1st Anniversay

A year ago our family embarked on this new chapter that will forever change our family’s story. We packed up as many things as we could fit into 15 bags and said goodbye to our pets, our home, friends and family to say hello to new pets, a new home, and new friends who are like family. One year ago we landed here in Addis Ababa to the smell of burning popcorn and coffee, chaos of the masses at the airport and warm welcome from our church family. When we flew in this time after almost 2 months of me (Margaret) and the boys being in the states due to the conflicts here and separated most of the time from Steve, the feeling was very different. As we landed, I had to acknowledge the contrast of the feelings from a year ago. The burning smell was still there but comforting, the chaos felt familiar and not overwhelming, the music and dancing  made me feel happy and at home instead of unfamiliar and new.  We felt relieved to make it through customs and receive all of our bags without being stopped and questioned or searched. And finally to drive into our driveway to be welcomed by our 2 jumping dogs and to feel at home. We sadly had to leave our oldest behind due to a lingering positive Covid test which made it feel like I was missing a piece of me (Lord willing, he will be back here on January 21). To feel at home and have 3 of our boys to be cheering and excited when we landed the plane is nothing short of a miracle and God’s grace. Our life here in Addis is different in every way possible from our life in Memphis but we wouldn't trade it for anything.  Roads are bumpy and full of people and animals, the stores have different types of food, the music is different, the pace of life is different. Life moves at a slower pace, and I have learned so much about myself living in a different culture. 

In remembering this as our FIRST anniversary I want to review our F’s that we asked our friends and family to pray for us when we left. 

FOOD We were praying for us to find food we could eat since there is no familiar food or restaurants here. No McDonalds, only Pizza Hut that frequently runs out of cheese. We have found several restaurants we love and a weekly menu rotation that includes tacos and homemade pizzas. We can easily find fresh fruit and vegetables in season, any kind of pasta. Cheese and butter are high priced items. As well as sugar and flour.  Baking has its challenges with the high altitude and different ingredients, but I have managed to find a cookie cake recipe that is our favorite for birthday cake. 

FRIENDS We have been so blessed with friends for us as a family and for the boys. Friends that have cared for us, brought food for us, and laughed and loved our kids with us. We have 4 families within a few blocks of us and then even more just within a mile or so. Our boys love Bingham Academy.  The types of friends we have here come from all different backgrounds, but we all love Jesus and are here with that purpose to follow Him. The community here is amazing. We love our church and the saints that are faithful at our church are so encouraging. 

FAMILY We have been blessed to have seen our family twice this year. We visited during the summer months and then again with our unexpected trip back to the states which happened to be during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Getting to spend the holidays with our family was such a gift. Being so far away from family is never something you get used to, but technology allows for easy phone calls and face time.

FAITH  Our faith has been strengthened in more ways that I can even find words.  We have seen God answer prayers for finding medicine for Noah, finding a car, helping us navigate the many beggars on the street, to guiding us through difficult decisions, and even gifts that we didn’t ask for like roses in my garden. 

FUN We have had tons of fun. We laughed a lot, visited a terrifying escape room which was more like a set for a horror film than a room with puzzles to solve, Dubai water parks and  indoor snow skiing, walking through our neighborhood, learning to skate, family games, and exploring new food, and laughing at ourselves. We have enjoyed coffee ceremonies and many meals with friends. 

Our FIRST year has been full of new and different ways of doing things. Learning to hold plans loosely, learning to make decisions and trust the Lord in it, learning to parent jet lag children and being jet lagged yourself, learning to grieve and let your children grieve, learning to be in the moment that God has put before me and die to self and so many of the comforts and ease of life that I was used to. Learning that I have so many things to learn.


Difficult Drives


IEC Youth Center